[POSTPONED] CANA Spring 2020 Meeting

DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Berkeley Marina 200 Marina Blvd, Berkeley, CA, United States

Instead of an in-person conference this spring, CANA will be presenting its first ever Web Conference on Saturday, May 2, 2020. Click here for details.     The California Association of Nurse Anesthetists (CANA) has been actively monitoring developments related to the evolution of COVID-19 and is responding to the public health mandates not to hold […]

CANA 2020 Web Conference

Online - Zoom Meeting

Attention Attendees - By now, you should have received your unique link to attend this meeting in an email directly from Zoom, as well as an Attendee Information email from CANA. Contact info@canainc.org if you require assistance. Join the California Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (CANA) for our first ever web conference. This one-day, on-line conference […]

CANA 2020 Virtual Fall Meeting

CA, United States

The California Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (CANA) has decided to go virtual for our 2020 Annual Fall Meeting on Saturday, October 17 - Sunday, October 18, 2020. We are thrilled to be able to bring you CANA’s high-quality educational sessions that you know and love using an engaging new online conference platform that will allow […]

CANA Annual Members Business Meeting

Online - Zoom Meeting

The CANA Annual Members Business Meeting will take place on Saturday, October 17, 2020 from 4:45-4:45pm, immediately following the open session Board of Directors meeting from 4:15-4:45pm. All CANA Member-Owners are welcome and encouraged to attend. Separate registration is required to attend via Zoom Webinar. To register, log in to the Members section on this […]

National CRNA Week

National CRNA Week is the AANA’s annual celebration of anesthesia patient safety and the nation’s nearly 54,000 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists and student registered nurse anesthetists who safely and cost-effectively provide more than 49 million anesthetics each year. Known as National Nurse Anesthetists Week as recently as 2014, the updated name for this popular event helps patients, hospital […]

Nurse Anesthesia Resident (NAR) Workshop

Join CANA for our virtual, day-long, Nurse Anesthesia Resident (NAR) Workshop on Sunday, February 21, 2021. From learning techniques for surviving and thriving during CRNA school and finding a job post-graduation, to managing your money once you've found that dream job, NARs will hear from experts and peers about the best ways to manage varying […]


CANA 2021 Virtual Lobby Week

Sign up now for CANA’s annual state lobbying event. Since we are unable to visit Sacramento in person this year, CANA will be hosting the event virtually from Monday, April 12 – Thursday, April 15, 2021. All CANA members are encouraged to join us for a welcome workshop on Monday morning, followed by virtual appointments […]


AANA Mid-Year Assembly 2021

Join us online April 23-25, 2021, to learn about the latest healthcare policies impacting our profession. Build advocacy skills and get advice from respected political power-players – all from the convenience of your computer or mobile device. Learn more & register here   Virtual Capitol Hill Meetings Virtual meetings with California's legislators will occur during […]

CANA 2021 Spring Meeting

CA, United States

Registration is now open for CANA's virtual Spring Meeting on May 1-2, 2021. This two-day, online conference will feature educational sessions with knowledgeable and engaging speakers as well as the CANA Members Business Meeting. No travel is required – view the live presentations and interact with other conference attendees and exhibitors from the comfort of […]

CANA Virtual Fall Meeting 2021

Online - Hopin Platform

CANA meetings are an opportunity for you to learn from CRNA experts and peers, while our virtual platform allows you to connect with other California CRNAs, SRNAs/NARs, and our partners to network and learn. Join us online, October 16-17, 2021!