Sign up now for CANA’s annual state lobbying event. Since we are unable to visit Sacramento in person this year, CANA will be hosting the event virtually from Monday, April 12 – Thursday, April 15, 2021.
All CANA members are encouraged to join us for a welcome workshop on Monday morning, followed by virtual appointments with legislators and their staff throughout the week.
Monday, April 12, 2021
8:00-10:00am Welcome Workshop – CANA’s lobbyists will provide a briefing of the week’s events and go over the dos and don’ts of lobbying. We will also be joined by special guest speakers. This Workshop is required in order to prepare for the lobby appointments to follow.
10:30am-3:30pm Lobby Appointments – Participants will be assigned to groups with a group leader to attend the lobbying appointments with legislators’ offices. CANA will be working to schedule the appointments during the windows of time below, and a final schedule will be provided to each group in advance. We understand that all participants may not be available on all days.
Tuesday April 13, 2021
9:30am-12:30pm Lobby Appointments
Wednesday April 14, 2021
9:30am-12:30pm Lobby Appointments
Thursday, April 15, 2021
9:30am-12:30pm Lobby Appointments
Attendees must be members of CANA. There is no cost to register.