Mark your calendar for CANA’s annual lobby day in Sacramento: Tuesday, March 3, 2019. All CANA member CRNAs and SRNAs are encouraged to attend and join us for educational sessions followed by legislative visits at the Capitol.
All participants should please plan to attend the following activities from 10:00am-4:00pm.
10:00am-12:00pm – Educational Presentations
CANA’s lobbyists will provide a briefing of the days events, the dos and don’ts of lobbying and there will be presentations by several guest speakers.
12:00pm – Lunch Provided & Walk to Capitol
1:00-4:00pm – Legislative Visits
All members will be divided into small groups to attend scheduled visits with legislators and staff in their Sacramento offices
There is no cost to attend, however advance registration is required so that participants can be assigned to groups. Please complete the form below if you plan to attend.