Bylaws, Policies & Procedures Committee
The purpose of this committee is to review and update the Bylaws and Policies of this Association and submit a report of recommendations to the CANA Board of Directors of this Association on a yearly basis.
Johnny Garza (Chair)
Jon Wilton
Julia Harris
Communications Committee
The purpose of this committee is to communicate clearly on a timely basis to the membership of this Association and its community of interest.
Emily Francke (Chair)
Liz Bamgbose (Co-Chair)
Gene (Howard) Booth
Jeremy Heiner
Jennie Lee
Tiffany Nguyen
Amanda Farris
Editorial Committee
The EC is responsible for editing official and unofficial documents produced by CANA (printed and electronic) for sensitivity, content accuracy and appropriateness, grammar, spelling, punctuation, formatting, and application.
Karyn Karp (Chair)
Jade Seaman
Sandra Bordi
Paula Belson
Finance Committee
The purpose of this committee is to monitor and safeguard CANA’s financial assets in accordance with current fiscal policy, and to uphold fiscal responsibility for the monies belonging to the members of this Association. A current budget shall be presented at the Annual Fall Meeting to be approved by the board members.
er********@gm***.com” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Eric Bowles (Chair)
Josh Carr (Treasurer)
Jennie Lee
Government Relations Committee
The GR Divisions monitor and analyze changes in state and national regulatory and legislative policy which could impact the practice of anesthesia and the economic and general welfare of the members of this Association.
Josh Carr (FPD)
Kristen Roman (Co-Chair)
Thomas Batchler (Co-Chair)
Rommel Uniza (NorCal Specialist)
John Gianitsis (NorCal Specialist)
Greg Crawford (NorCal Specialist)
Johnny Garza (Central Cal Specialist)
Chelsie Arnold (Central Cal Specialist)
Tina Ramundo (SoCal Specialist)
Beck Ashlock (SoCal Specialist)
Leadership Development Committee
The purpose of this committee is to identify and involve emerging leaders by preparing and presenting an election slate containing biographical sketches of candidates for the following offices to the Board of Directors sixty (60) days before the regular Spring meeting.
Liz Bamgbose(Chair)
Jeremy Heiner
Peer Assistance & Wellness
The CWC designs, implements, and monitors programs that foster lifelong healthy behavior decisions for CANA members. CWC operates in solidarity and in collaboration with the AANA Health & Wellness Committee and Peer Assistance Program.
Chuck Griffis (Chair)
Dianna Heikkila
Carlos Camera
Jewell Morris
Amanda Farris
Practice Division
The purpose of this division is to keep current on the legislative, regulatory, payer, and insurance issues potentially affecting the practice of members of this Association. The committee shall be available to advise and assist members of this Association experiencing practice difficulties. The committee shall review the practice of nurse anesthesia in California and implications concerning patient safety to formulate recommendations for consideration by the Board of Directors.
Melanie Rowe (Practice Director)
Liz Bamgbose
Karyn Karp (State Reimbursement Specialist)
Danny Bell
Jon Wilton
Danny Bell
Tim Wolf (Consultant)
Program Committee
This committee shall be responsible for the planning and implementation of the educational meetings of the Association. Committee functions may be accomplished in collaboration with, and/or delegation to the Association Manager. Please see program committee general guidelines and additional sample forms in the appendix portion of this document.
Apply for the RN Programs Committee Position: The Programs Committee has opened up one spot for a Registered Nurse on the committee. AANA membership is required to apply. Learn more here.
Danny Bell (Co-Chair)
Erica McCall (Co-Chair)
Mario Barandiaran
Maricel Isidro-Reighard
Hillary Brennan
Allison Bouck
Gina Reyes
Dawn Johnson
Savannah Dominguez
Sarah Cook
Samuel Holechek
Marone Admassu
Public Relations
The purpose of this committee is to be responsible to and perpetuate good relations between this Association, the profession of nursing and its specialties, the medical profession, and the public through all available channels. This committee shall disseminate any pertinent information on the practice of CRNAs in collaboration with the Public Relations Committee of the AANA.
Bich Tram (Chair)
Karyn Karp
Melanie Rowe
Laurel Schooler
Ann Singleton
Maricel Isidro-Reighard
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Pauline Rioux (Chair)
John Gianitsis
Nilu Patel
Indermeet Dhaliwal
Jaqueline Clavo
Madeline Klovis
Jewell Morris
Nina Fofang
Contact Information
CANA Office: 1.415.610.8499
CANA Fax: 1.415.764.4915
CANA Association Manager
575 Market Street, Suite 400
San Francisco, California 94105
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM PST